We are the cells! 11 – 21 AUGUST 2008 // YOGYAKARTA – INDONESIA


"Trebuchet MS"">Cellsbutton is a way of
introducing a new concept and perspective on art and technology to the
cultural framework of Indonesia. The festival intends to relate this to
both national and international developments within the field of media
arts. In HONF perspective, (digital) technologies offer a lot of
creative possibilities, in daily life as well as in art and cultural
practices. So far, extensive investigations of this potential of
technology within Indonesia – and the Yogyakarta context – have been
few. Therefore, the objective of the Cellsbutton is to establish
connections and interactions between communities, creators and artist
with interest in media art.

WEB :: http://www.natural-fiber.com/index.php/cellsbutton02


"Trebuchet MS"">Cellsbutton is a way of
introducing a new concept and perspective on art and technology to the
cultural framework of Indonesia. The festival intends to relate this to
both national and international developments within the field of media
arts. In HONF perspective, (digital) technologies offer a lot of
creative possibilities, in daily life as well as in art and cultural
practices. So far, extensive investigations of this potential of
technology within Indonesia – and the Yogyakarta context – have been
few. Therefore, the objective of the Cellsbutton is to establish
connections and interactions between communities, creators and artist
with interest in media art.

WEB :: http://www.natural-fiber.com/index.php/cellsbutton02

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